Board April
12, 2023 The
HIMGA Board meeting was called to order by President Jack Deaton with the
following members present: Jack Deaton, Terry Bushay, Fred Neely, Dave Moon, and
David Baker. The
minutes from the previous meeting were read. MOTION: by Terry, seconded by Fred
to approve the minutes as read. Approved. Concern
was raised regarding some of the players always being in the first group to tee
off. Terry
brought up the tournament on the 9 hole course. Terry and Clint will be working
on this. Possibly a 2 person scramble with shotgun start. Entry fee possibly $35
or $30 for property owners. This would be limited to the 36 players. There
was other discussion regarding slow play and abuse of the course, such as:
chipping on the course greens. Jack will say something about this at the
starting hole. There
are some flower beds still open on the 9 and 18 hole courses. On #14
we need to confirm the tee selection as white or yellow. Meeting
Respectfully submitted by David
Baker, Secretary |