HIMGA Board meeting

July 12, 2023


Jack Deaton called the meeting to order with the following members present: Dave Moon, Fred Neely, Jack Deaton, Ed Clark, and Terry Bushay. Randy Tabler also attended.


The minutes from the June meeting were read. MOTION: by Fred, Seconded by Terry to approve the minutes. Approved.

 Randy reported that the computer software we are using is no longer updated. The cost of the new software will be $6 per year per the number of players on the roster. He is using Windows 7 now. He will continue investigating and report to the Fall Breakfast meeting. Tom Winters is training on the current system.

 Fun Day is scheduled for June 25th. This will be a shotgun start at 9 am with about 45 players. Hole arrangements will be as follows: #1—5 iron all the way through the hole; #2—cup covering the ball; #3—large cup; #4—use the shortest drive; #5—garden hose on the green; #6—driver all the way through the hole; #7—2 holes with no flags; #8—obstacles on the green; #9—tee off from 200 yard marker, must hit into the sand trap before going for the green. A meal will follow the play. Randy, Fred, Jack and Terry will meet to set the teams.

 The Elks Tournament will be September 30.

 Treasurer’s Report: As of June 30, 2023, the checking account showed $8,572.44, with $773.22 in the Credit Book. The total is $9,345.66. The HIMGA/HILGA Tournament grossed about $3,600. This amount will be used for course improvements and equipment purchase as needed. 

For the 9 Hole player’s tournament, there ws concern for the total amount for prize money. MOTION: by Dave, Seconded by Terry, to set the payout amount at $300 for the 9 hole tournament, divided as follows: 1st place--$150, 2nd--$100, and 3rd--$50. Approved.

 There was concern expressed about persons not having enough handicap round recorded to qualify for the Match Play and Club Championship. This is an issue which will be decided by the Board for each special event.

 We talked about the memorial headstones. We are not sure how much each one costs. There are several names to be added.

 MOTION: by Fred, Seconded by Dave to adjourn the meeting. Approved. Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted by

David Baker, Secretary