HIMGA Board meeting

June 15, 2023


The HIMGA Board meeting was called to order by President Jack Deaton, with the following members present: Jack, Terry Bushay, Fred Neely, and David Baker.


The minutes from the May meeting were read and approved with MOTION by Terry, seconded by Fred.


The HIMGA/HILGA tournament cleared about $2,500. The Silent Auction money is still out at the time of this meeting. The Treasurer’s Report was presented showing beginning balance on May 1, 2023 of $6, 183.71, with deposits, expenses and interest bringing the balance on May 31 to $5,979.73. The credit book balance was $608.82, for a total bank and credit balance of $6,588.55. MOTION by Fred, seconded by Terry that we approved the report. Approved.


Terry reported that the 9-hole 1 person scramble has only 4 registered. He said that he needs at least 12 to hold the tournament. May reschedule for the Fall.


9-hole players: The payout for the 9-hole players is $150. Discussion was postponed on this issue for another meeting.


The tee times are working well. We have been able to start a little early. The 9-hole group has started about 9 am on the same 9 which the 18-hole group has used.


Fall Breakfast discussion: we may need to discuss whether we need to change to 9-hole schedule. [The Secretary may not have understood this issue.]


Being no further business, MOTION by Fred, seconded by by Terry, that we adjourn the meeting. Approved.


Respectfully submitted by,

David Baker, Secretary