HIMGA Board Meeting

October 11, 2023

President Jack Deaton called the meeting to order with the following members present: Fred Neely, Ernie Christian, Jack Deaton, Ed Clark, and David Baker.


The Minutes from the September meeting were read. MOTION: by Fred, seconded by Ernie to approve the minutes. Approved. David read a Thank You Note from the Elks Lodge saying Thank You for HIMGA’s support of the Elks Tournament.

 We tentatively set a next meeting date of October 31. David will have a sign-up sheet posted for the Fall Breakfast.

 We discussed the Annual Fees for 2024. With the new computer system there will be a charge per golfer of $6 annually. Therefore, the Annual Fee will be $46. We will set the Annual Fee for those 80 and over at $23. This will help with the three meals usually scheduled during the year and the fee for the computer system. For the 9 hole group the fee will be set at $20 for those 80 and over.

 For the Annual Meeting:  The Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules of Golf items will be handled by David. Jack/Ernie will coordinate the nominations and elections. Randy will discuss the computer system. Ed will present the Finance Report and Budget. There will be discussion about the use of Green or White Tees and the Memorial Plaques. 

Finance Report by Ed. The opening balance for September was $4,436.30. We had debits of $200 to Elks and $300 for pay outs. There will be expenses for the trophies. Ed will be working on the Sponsor Letters.

 Being no further business, MOTION: by Ernie, seconded by Fred to adjourn. Approved. Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted by

David Baker, Secretary