HIMGA Board Meeting

September 6, 2023


The HIMGA Board Meeting was called to order by President Jack Deaton with the following members present: Fred Neely, Dave Moon, Jack Deaton, Ernie Christian, Ed Clark, and David Baker.


The minutes from the previous meeting were read. MOTION: by Ernie, seconded by Dave, to approve the minutes. Approved.

 Treasurer Report: Balance at the beginning of August was $4,935.82, with $200 payment, for an end of the month amount of $4,735.82, plus credit account of $550.24, for a current balance of $5,286.06. The budget for the Match Play payout is $225 ($100, $75, and $50). The budget for the Club Championship is $675. Wally will help with the Club Championship. Some of the recognized sponsors have not donated for the current year in the amount of $100 and their sign displayed at the first tee. Ed will contact.

 There was discussion about reconsidering the use of the proceeds from the HIMGA/HILGA Tournament. One possibility would be to split the proceeds 50/50 between HIMGA/HILGA to be used as needed. The tournament committee will start in January.

 At the Fall Breakfast, there will be some changes proposed to the Constitution/By-Laws. These will deal with three issues which need to be more clearly stated, regarding elections, terms of membership on the Board. David will write these up for the Board for the next meeting.

 The 9 Hole group will have a 3 club tournament.

 Fred brought up about some of the tee box flower beds. Some new helpers are needed, and there is concern about the cost.

 MOTION: by Fred, seconded by Ernie, to adjourn. Approved.


Respectfully submitted by

David E. Baker, Secretary