HIMGA Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2022 Ernie Called the meeting to order with the following
members present: Fred Neely, Rich Rose, Ernie Christiansen, David Baker. Loren
was also in attendance. Loren told about the opportunity to purchase the K-vest
Simulator, a golf simulator training system, from Wolf Fitness Center. The whole
system and equipment cost about $15,000 new. They are interested in selling the
simulator and other equipment for an asking price of $10,500. The members were
interested and suggested that we might have a tournament in the Fall to help
purchase the system. Once the system is in place punch cards or membership as
well as hourly use could be set up. Finance Report, by Rich: Current balance is $6,204.07, with
$852.31 in our credit account, for a total of $7,056.38. Theis is compared to
the 2021 balance of $7,482.22. The Elks will host their tournament later. We
have been asked to help sponsor the event. MOTION: by Ernie, seconded, that
we sponsor the Elks tournament at the Gold Level which is $200. Approved. The Fun Day is scheduled for July 26 with lunch following
the 9 hole event. Various obstacles and special instructions for each hole will
be in play that day. The webpage coordinator is now Bruce Larsen. Gerry will be
moving soon to Wisconsin. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. At the next board meeting we need to discuss adding a
flight and discussing payout for our events. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted by, David Baker, Secretary |